If you haven't checked out Casey Hibbard's blog on case studies, Casey Hibbard's Success Story Marketing, you will find it to be a wealth of really useful information on how to market any product or service using case studies and customer success stories.

Right now she is wanting to collect examples of companies that have successfully used their own customers' success stories to promote their businesses. In other words, she is gathering case studies on successful uses of case studies.

Here's what she needs:

-- Examples of creative, unique uses or formats for customer stories. Not just your ordinary web site or sales use.


-- Examples of stellar results with customer stories - with any type of use. Maybe your business added customer stories and have seen more web site traffic, more upsales, more cross-sales, or bumps in sales in a certain vertical market.

If you have these examples you would like to share with her, send them to casey@compelling-cases.com.

COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
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