If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know how much I admire Dan Kennedy. He is a legend among freelance copywriters, and his books are snapped up as soon as they hit the bookstores.

He has recently written, No B.S. Direct Marketing: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Direct Marketing For Non-Direct Marketing Businesses. As the long subtitle suggests, this book is about how businesses that are not in traditional mail order or direct marketing businesses can still use direct marketing methods successfully.

What makes this book unique is that Dan has invited several of his clients from non-direct marketing businesses to write chapters in this book. There are chapters by owners of a tax preparation business, a chain of men’s clothing stores, a chiropractic practice, a restaurant and a dental practice.

Each of these professionals have incorporated Dan’s 10 “No B.S. Rules” very successfully. The 10 Rules are:

  1. There Will Always Be an Offer or Offers

  2. There Will Be A Reason To Respond Right Now

  3. There Will Be Clear Instructions On How To Respond

  4. There Will Be Tracking and Measurement

  5. Whatever Brand Building Occurs Will Be a Happy By-Product, Not Bought

  6. There Will Be Follow-Up

  7. There Will Be Strong Sales Copy, Not Vague Hyperbole

  8. In General, It Will Look Like “Mail-Order Advertising”

  9. Results Rule, Period

  10. You Will Be a Tough-Minded Disciplinarian and Keep Your Business on a Strict DIRECT Marketing Diet for at Least Six Months

I heartily recommend Dan’s latest book. Regardless of what business you are in, this is one book that WILL bring you outstanding results.

COPYRIGHT © 2006, Charles Brown


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