WANTED: Success Stories on Success Stories
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Thursday, July 31, 2008If you haven't checked out Casey Hibbard's blog on case studies, Casey Hibbard's Success Story Marketing, you will find it to be a wealth of really useful information on how to market any product or service using case studies and customer success stories.
Right now she is wanting to collect examples of companies that have successfully used their own customers' success stories to promote their businesses. In other words, she is gathering case studies on successful uses of case studies.
Here's what she needs:
-- Examples of creative, unique uses or formats for customer stories. Not just your ordinary web site or sales use.
-- Examples of stellar results with customer stories - with any type of use. Maybe your business added customer stories and have seen more web site traffic, more upsales, more cross-sales, or bumps in sales in a certain vertical market.
If you have these examples you would like to share with her, send them to casey@compelling-cases.com.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown

Labels: case studies, storytelling
I just ran across the following article by marketing guru and the father of the concept of "positioning" in the marketplace, Jack Trout, called Greatest Stories Never Told about marketing stories that you never hear of. The organizations he mentions, Wal Mart, Southwest Airlines,SKF, the Bestty Crocker division of General Mills, Papa Johns Pizza and even the Democratic Party are fascinating, but these organizations seem to not realize the power of actually telling these remarkable stories.
Religions also spread their messages with stories. While I'm not familiar with Islam and Hinduism, I do know about Judaism and Christianity.
Christianity is based entirely on the story of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. While he was alive, Jesus himself spread his message with stories he called parables.
Judaism tells and retells its great stories too. During the Passover holiday the story of Moses leading the people of Israel out of Egyptian captivity is told to hearers who realize this one story sums up what it means to be Jewish.
If religions spread their messages with stories, why aren't business organizations? Does your company nit pick over quality issues? Then there is a powerful story there.
Does your company take great pains to service the customer after the sale? Then tell this story too.
How about product development? Tell the story about how your company spends time, money and manpower to make sure your new products have no equal in the marketplace.
Do you have lots of satisfied customers who overcame big problems as a result of doing business with you? Tell these stories in the form of case studies and get the word out in press releases, print ads, presentations, or your web content.
What other business stories are out there? Give me your feedback with examples of great stories that need to be told.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
Labels: case studies, storytelling
Why Do Stories Succeed in Making Us See Past Our Own Biases?
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Saturday, July 26, 2008One of the things that happens to us as we go about our task of daily living, is that we build mental constructs of our world based upon how we interpret our experiences.
For example, I really struggled with my grades through high school and barely made it to college. I had the ability, but I lacked any belief in myself as a student.
This lack of belief was a construct I had created in my mind.
Annette Simmons, in her book, The Story Factor, illustrates another type of construct.
She was at a storytelling festival in 1992, standing next to a rough-looking man who illustrated the power of stories for her. When a young black man got up to speak, the rough-looking man uttered a racial epitaph under his breath, folded his arms in front of him and stared away from the speaker.
But as the young man spoke and told his stories, something changed. The rough-looking man became deeply involved with what the young man spoke about and ended with tears in his eyes.
In a sense, this man is like our would-be customers. They may have mental prejudices and filters built up as a result of things they've experienced. But a story can get through to them when no other form of communication can.
In my own story, it was hearing about other people who had learned to develop good study skills that inspired me and allowed me to believe that I too could become a good student. One movie in particular that influenced me was the Paper Chase, which was about a Harvard law student who spent hours and hours studying while falling in love with his hated professor's daughter.
It was the power of such stories that enabled me to radically transform my beliefs in my own abilities. I become a top student who was able to get into and succeed in law school, one of the toughest academic arenas there is.
Stories had broken through my construct that I was a poor student and helped me make a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction.
Have you ever had the frustrating experience of trying to counsel someone with a problem, who shot down every single solution you proposed? "I've tried that already," "That won't work in my case," or "I can't do that because ___."
Such a person has a construct that won't budge against logic, facts and reasoning. But tell that person a story about someone else in their situation and watch them listen. Watch them change like that prejudiced man Annette Simmons mentioned in The Story Factor.
I have a little secret to tell you. Whenever I've watched Spiderman or Indiana Jones in action, I tend to think I'm that character. I become that character while I am reading or watching the story. And even after that story is over, I tend to feel heroic.
What about your customers? What about the people who have built up constructs that don't let them see that what you offer is different? What stories can you tell that will help them see your solutions in a new light?
I would suggest that case studies - customer success stories about your other customers who were faced with big problems that were overcome because of your product or service, might be the big answer to how to communicate to these would be customers. Set aside your facts and logic for a while and just tell your marketplace stories.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
Labels: case studies, storytelling
What Would Anya Do? - More on Buyer Personas and Long Tails
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Friday, July 25, 2008I was going to write about Long Tails today since I just picked up the updated version of Chris Anderson's book on the subject.
But I had a very interesting comment to my Wednesday article on Buyer Personas submitted by Heather Margolis, Director of Marketing at Kadient. My article mentioned Kadient because they have created a number of such Buyer Personas and have gone so far as to give these personas names (one is named "Anya" and another is named "Luke").
Heather's comment indicated that when they are brainstorming at Kadient, they will ask questions like, "What would Anya do?" or "What would Luke do?"
This gets to the heart of why segmenting your prospects/clients/customers/voters/supporters/constituants etc into distinct groupings fits right into the concept of the long tail.
The internet has made it possible for businesses to offer a lot of options to a lot of different people. Want proof? Take a look at Amazon.com. No physical bookstore in the world could offer the incredible variety and selection Amazon offers.
But Amazon makes its bundle by selling lots and lots and lots of books no one else stocks. Sure it also sells the odd Stephen King blockbuster, but its real success comes from selling small amounts of a lot of different products (sorry, I keep making the error of calling Amazon just a bookstore).
Amazon succeeds because it has lots of "Anyas" and "Lukes" that they keep cater to. Perhaps they sell only one or two copies of some obscure tome written in 1963. But it makes a lot of such sales.
My 73 year old mother bought eight dishes on Amazon yesterday. They were Correll patterns that have long been discontinued, but we found them available on Amazon after we struck out looking at the manufacturer's site.
My mother's name is "Zella" and Amazon now has a file on her and now knows her taste in dishes. I'm fairly sure that particular pattern is not among Amazon's top sellers, but they make a lot of sales to purchasers like my mother who buy items they cannot get anywhere else. In other words, Amazon makes a lot of money selling a few items to a lot of "Zellas" out there, simply because they have access to products that may not even be available from the original manufacturers.
So you could say Amazon succeeds by asking, "What would Zella do?"
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
Labels: buyer personas, long tail search terms
I recently wrote a two-part book review on David Meerman Scott's excellent book, The New Rules of Marketing & PR. One of his main themes in this book is the importance of creating "buyer personas" for your target buyers/voters/doners/constituants.
Since completing the book, I have found myself picking it up several times to re-read several sections, but the one that everything seems to connect back to is this idea of buyer personas. I have started thinking of this along the same lines as an FBI profiler who really works hard to get into the head of a criminal (no I am not comparing customers to criminals).
Yesterday Scott wrote a blog article on this concept at How well do you know your buyer personas? One of the things he points out is that creating these profiles/buyer personas helps marketers avoid the error of thinking about customers in a dark room, where ideas that may or may not work are banding about and come to take on an aura of truth.
Alternatively, he uses the example of Kadient, a company that supplies salespeople with support software. Two of the buyer personas Kadient has created are "Anya" and "Luke." They developed Anya and Luke after many interviews with real salespeople that helped them really, really understand their needs and problems.
The first remarkable thing that Kadient did was to actually give their buyer personas names. The second is that they didn't just create a one-size-fits-all buyer persona. Anya and Luke are two very different archetypes representing two very different types of customers. (And by the way, Anya and Luke are only two of their buyer personas, they have several).
As they do their marketing, they keep these seperate personas seperate in their minds. Scott's article even shows a picture of two of Kadient's marketing executives standing side by side with full-sized cardboard photos of Anya and Luke.
Talk about making buyer personas come alive!
What are you doing to distinquish between your various customer types? Are you afflicted with one-size-fits-all-itus? In this day of long tail marketing, it makes no sense to treat the marketplace as one big mass.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
Labels: buyer personas
Create Your USP By Looking At What Your Competitors Aren't Claiming
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Monday, July 21, 2008Every marketing book on the planet (practically) waxes on and on about the importance of creating a "Unique Selling Proposition" or USP in order to effectively sell a product or service. Yet understanding what a USP really is, is still one of the most misunderstood concepts in business.
I've seen fuzzy slogans, unsupported claims, and vague sound bites all passed off as USPs. There is a law firm here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that says they are the firm to go to when "results really matter." ???? Can anyone please tell me what that means? Who hires an expensive law firm when the results don't matter? Ok, I'd better get off my "lawyers can't market" soapbox right now because I have other things to say here.
There's a story about Claude Hopkins, the brilliant 1920s ad man who was asked to help a little-known, bottom-tier beer company named Schlitz boost their sales. This was before Schlitz became known as "The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous." In fact, it was before Schlitz was even famous within the city of Milwaukee itself.
The first thing he did was request a tour of Schlitz' brewery. While on the tour, Hopkins was surprised to notice that despite being located just a few hundred waters from Lake Michigan, Schlitz used only water from deep artesian wells to make its beer.
He also noticed that Schlitz' brewers repeatedly tested their yeast recipes, going through hundreds of trials in order to come up with the perfect formula.
He also noticed that they washed their beer bottles several times before filling them with beer.
When the tour was over, Hopkins asked the Schlitz executives why they weren't letting the public know about these painstaking processes. They responded that all breweries did pretty much the same things and that their processes were not really all that unique.
But, noted Hopkins, not one other brewer was talking about them. So he created a campaign to educate the public about the artesian water (even though an abundant and cheaper supply of water was only a few hundred yards away in Lake Michigan), the hundreds of trials in order to create the perfect yeast recipes, and the repeated re-washing of beer bottles prior to their use.
As a result, Schlitz came to "own" these painstaking processes in the minds of the public, even though other breweries did the same things.
A USP only has to be unique in the minds of the public to give your company a vastly superior selling advantage in the marketplace.
Think about your own processes. What are your own quality control standards? How do you produce a quality product? What do you do to deliver a quality service? How do you train your employees? How do you initiate, and then use, feedback and survey results from your customers?
Personally, I find those car commercials that have engineers in white lab coats testing their cars with crash dummies or explaining the engineering processes (even though they are still over my head) over commercials that just shout to me about price and this-week-only sales.
Let's go back to the law firm I mentioned earlier. What if they educated the public about how they only hire law school graduates who were in the top of their classes, how their education continues once they come to work for this firm, how each newly hired lawyer is assigned a mentor, and how all the lawyers at that firm must take hours of continuing legal education.
The truth is, none of these things are unique to major law firms, but like Schlitz beer (oh I bet these lawyers would love to hear me compare their firms with a beer company), none of their competitors are educating the public about these things.
The reason a USP is so vital, is because it is a positioning device to create a unique spot of "real estate" in the mind of the marketplace. When Dominos Pizza began using the USP of guaranteed 30 minute delivery or less, they were not the only pizza chain that had fast delivery.
But they were the first to make fast, guaranteed delivery their claim to fame. And as a result, they came to "own" the idea of fast getting a pizza delivered quickly in the minds of the public.
What is your USP? What idea can you "own" in the minds of your public?
The success of failure of your marketing efforts depends on answering these questions. Don't pass them off with vague sound bites or unfounded, unsupported claims. The public won't buy these things and they will not make you unique in anyone's mind.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
Labels: lawyer marketing, positioning, USP
Web Copywriting Tips - How To Craft Irresistible Offers
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Friday, July 18, 2008What is an irresistable offer? As marketers, we are all seeking ways to create compelling ads, web sites, and other marketing material that will get people to buy what we sell. I thought this article by Andre Thomas would be helpful to readers of this site who want to do a better job of turning prospects into buyers.
Charles Brown
Web Copywriting Tips - How To Craft Irresistible Offers
By Andre Thomas
according to legendary copywriter Gary halbert, the most important factor that determines your success is a "hungry crowd". If people are hungry for your product, there's really no need for selling.
But that's not the case in reality. Your competitors are only a click away so it's crucial that you have a better offer than they do. Offer is the second most important factor that determines your conversion. Poor conversion can never be saved by compelling web copy... but poor web copy are often rescued by irresistible offer! An irresistible offer should be at the heart of your whole marketing campaign.., and coming up with it should be job number 1 when you sit down to plan your web copy.
So what makes an offer irresistible? Here are a few steps I use to create them:
1. The first and most obvious way is to add more goodies. Getting X+Y is always better than just X. People love free stuff so give it to them. Information is free to reproduce but are valuable and that makes it ideal to be bonuses.
2. Give your customer a real world value on which to benchmark your current price. If you don't initially offer it for a higher price, your customers will put that price as "what it should be", which makes your offer not that irresistible.
3. Make your offer unique to you. There's definitely no unique service that you can perform but no other can. There's definitely no unique product that you can produce that has no substitute. But there's one thing that you can do to make your offer unique and that is by branding. Products and services under your brand is exclusive to you so make sure you brand your product well.
4. Anyone can offer anything they want so it's nothing special that you made an offer. The real question in your customer's heads is whether you can deliver. So make yourself as believable as possible by adding testimonials, displaying your contact details and information such as disclaimer, privacy policy and refund policy. If you have the cash, get a security badge from one of the popular online assurance providers.
5. Make it easy for your customers to understand the offer and what exactly will they get once they purchase because if they don't they'll leave without turning back. Simplicity is key and if the offer is complex (and if you it's easy, think again) make sure you simplify it by categorizing and using simple words.
So there, 5 ways to craft irresistible offers. I'm sure there are hundreds more ways you can think of and hundreds more ways you can think of to do each of the 5 points I made, but if you just concentrate on what I gone through, there's no doubt it will send your conversion through the roof.
Andre Thomas was a freelance copywriter for 8 years. He now works at home as an internet marketer. You can find more mind blowing web copywriting tips on his blog at http://www.salescopyquickfix.com/blog You can find his latest best-selling book, Sales Copy QuickFix, at http://www.salescopyquickfix.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andre_Thomas

Labels: copywriting ideas
Book Review - The New Rules of Marketing & PR (Part Two)
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Wednesday, July 16, 2008The New Rules of Marketing & PR
With my apologies, this article is a couple of weeks over due, but I have been busy with several other writing projects.
I had promised a second part to my review of David Meerman Scott's wonderful book, "The New Rules of Marketing & PR."
If you recall from part one, Mr. Scott experienced an all-too-typical example of the wrong way to market when he went online to gather information about buying a new car. All three of the big US automakers' web sites began with the assumption that he was ready to buy now when he was still at the information-gathering stage.
He was assaulted with TV-style broadcast advertising with one-way messages focused on price.
Compare this approach to what he calls the new rules and how you and I as marketers can implement them.
The first step Mr. Scott suggests is to create "Buyer Personas" for your target demographics. In other words, break each visitor to your web site, each person who may eventually buy your product, into distinct groups based upon what each group of people want and need and what information they seek, regardless of whether this information will lead them directly to make a decision to buy.
For example, political campaigns have long targeted groups they call "Soccer Moms" and "NASCAR Dads." By singling these groups out from the electorate, they can identify what concerns these groups and what they will base their votes upon. Also by giving these "Buyer Personas" names, they make them real to the marketers involved in the campaign (and let us not for a moment think that a political campaign is not a marketing effort).
Suppose the car companies had done this when they had built their web sites. They would have realized that not every visitor was in a "buy now" mode. They would have realized there were many who wanted to simply gather information, get user generated feedback, check out safety, reliability and fuel economy information. They also could have treated different visitors as having distinct wants and needs.
Instead, they thought of all their visitors as a single entity. Don't you think that NASCAR Dads and Soccer Moms would have different motivations they could have appealed to?
Once you have create profiles for all the distinct "Buyer Personas" that have an interest in your web site or your company, Mr. Scott lays out one of the main themes of his book: "Think Like a Publisher."
Thinking like a publisher means to create content and information that would be of benefit to these Buyer Personas. This does not mean product information or sales content, but to simply understand what information could benefit these groups.
For example, what content can you create that would solve problems for your identified Buyer Personas without mentioning your company or products or services?
Some examples Scott uses is an automobile tire company that could produce an ebook or video on how to drive safely over snow and then offer it free on your web site, on YouTube or to give it free to auto clubs or drivers' education schools.
Another example could be a catering company that could produce content on how to plan a wedding reception or a dinner party.
Notice that all of these address problems for certain identifiable groups of buyers without being overt sales pitches. Having said this, however, this kind of non-selling can often be the most powerful selling tool you can create because it positions you as an expert (an unselfish expert) in your field.
Another very interesting example he cites is a company called The Concrete Network. A "brick and mortar company if ever there was one, the Concrete Network diligently produces how to information, problem solving information and media releases that address the needs of both their b2b and b2c (sorry, "business to business" and "business to consumers") buyer personas.
These include buyer guides on all sorts of home improvement projects and a Find-A-Contractor service that links homeowners to builders on 22 different specialties in 192 metropolitan areas in the U.S. or Canada.
Does this content always lead directly to a buying decision? No, but they do imply a generosity of spirit in these companies.
Several years ago, during the late 90s dot.com meltdown, I volunteered to do career counseling for a group of downsized managers and executives. One of the first things I had my classes do was to think of themselves of solutions to specific problems.
One by one, these folks all "got it" and it transformed their thinking from being job seekers to people who were very, very good at solving particular problems for organizations. Once this occurred, their whole approach to the job market was transformed. They were not job applicants, they were solutions to a big problem.
I think Mr. Scott is talking about the same thing here. When you begin to "Think Like A Publisher," you start producing problem-solving information for targeted groups of potential customers.
Be sure to pick up The New Rules of Marketing & PR. You will be very glad you did.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
The New Rules of Marketing & PR
Pico Marketing - Playing Small Ball on the Internet
2 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Tuesday, July 08, 2008What is Pico Marketing?
I'm writing this in response to a very interesting article Peter Jakob wrote called Are You Pico Marketer?, on his blog, B2B Marketing - Open For Business, which was itself a response to an article he read from Velocity.
To use a baseball analogy (Peter Jakob and the folks over at Velocity are British, so baseball analogies probably aren't the first things that come to mind for them), Pico Marketing means concentrating on hitting a lot of singles and doubles rather than always trying to hit a home run at every at bat. A team that gets more men on base with small hits generally wins more often than a team that lives or dies by the long ball.
Another analogy used by Velocity, and quoted by Mr. Jakob, is the Monopoly metaphor. The player who owns Boardwalk and Park Place will probably not do nearly as well as the player who owns a lot of little properties all over the board.
So back to Pico Marketing. Since I finished writing my ebook, The Plot Thickens: Why Case Studies Create New Customers, I have been trying to promote it by contacting bloggers I respect, emailing various individuals who I regard as thought leaders, and issuing online press releases.
I've also mentioned it on my Linkedin profile, written one article so far on ezinearticles.com, commented on blogs, and set up a Squidoo lens called Case Study Writer, and on and on.
In other words, I am taking a lot of little actions to get the word out about The Plot Thickens: Why Case Studies Create New Customers (I'm buying up the little properties on the Monopoly board and hitting singles). I am finding that promoting the ebook is as much work as writing it was (sigh).
I really can't afford to conduct an expensive paid advertising campaign for an ebook I am giving away to promote my case study writing services (in other words, I can't buy Boardwalk and Park Place).
But this is what it takes these days. I am already at the top of Google for the keyword, "marketing with case studies," (don't be too impressed, it is not a phrase that gets a lot of hits). But "marketing with case studies" is one of the long tail search terms I'm going after.
Having said that, search engine rankings come as a result of a lot of little things done all over the internet. From Facebook to MySpace to YouTube to Digg, little mentions from a lot of places get Google's love.
So will all this effort succeed? I sure hope so!
I guess you could say I am conducting my own case study on Pico Marketing. I'll keep you informed of my progress. Watch this blog to see how I do.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
Vin Montello's 7 Storytelling Secrets for Copywriting
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Monday, July 07, 2008I just read (and Dugg) Vin Montello's post announcing his new ebook called Seven Story Secrets That Skyrocket Sales and wanted to let you folks know about it right away.
As you know, I've been on my own kick lately about the power of storytelling as a marketing tool. To put it simply, STORIES SELL.
What got my attention right away was his very first secret which had to do with telling a story in the copy's headline. I can't imagine a reader being able to resist the kind of headline he talks about.
The other thing that struck me is that Vin is also just giving his ebook away, free and without even asking readers to opt onto a list. I wonder if Vin has been reading my email here, but I originally planned to use the ebook I finished last week, The Plot Thickens: Why Case Studies Create New Customers as an opt in device. But I got some really good advice from David Meerman Scott who suggested that it would have a better chance of going viral if there were no strings attached.
I really recommend that you read Vin's ebook and also Digg it or Stumble it. It really should be bookmarked.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
Labels: copywriting ideas, headlines, sales letters, storytelling
Objective White Paper Writing: Learning From Legal Briefs and Academic Papers
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Saturday, July 05, 2008Why Overly-Biased White Papers Are The "Emporer's New Clothes"
A white paper lives or dies by its perceived objectivity. One whiff of salesmanship and your white paper's reader is out of there.
The reason for this has to do with who white paper readers are and why they read them.
These people are decision makers tasked with doing extensive due diligence before giving the green light on a major transaction. They view a well-written (and objective) white paper as a necessary tool to help them with this due diligence. They accept that the paper has a bias, but also depends on it for information.
To reach (and influence) these decision makers, your white paper must be seen as a trusted resource. The information it provides must be painstakingly truthful, even if it means admitting your product's faults and limitations. (Incidentally, these minor admissions may just be the most persuasive aspect of persuasive writing. See my article Sell More With Ethical Marketing for more information on how to do this.)
And yet, from your point of view, a white paper must still move a decision maker toward a favorable decision. It is still a persuasive device.
One thing that helps me balance these needs for objectivity and persuasion, is my background as an attorney when I had to write legal briefs. A legal brief is a lot like a white paper except that it is written for a judge. Judges, like the decision makers mentioned earlier, rely on briefs to give them the information they need to make their rulings.
They understand that a brief is a written argument, but they expect sound reasoning based upon the law and evidence when making that argument.
Somewhere back in college I found a small book on writing English essays that gave me a formula I used all through law school and in my legal practice when writing legal briefs. And I use it now when writing white papers.. (I no longer have the book and don't remember the author's name, so I cannot give it the attribution it deserves).
First, according to this formula, I acknowledge the opposing point of view with a sentence like, "Although ________ ."
Then, I state my opinion (the thesis statement) with a sentence like, "Nevertheless ___________ ."
And finally, I offer support for my position with, "Because ________."
These three sentences were the outline for every legal paper or brief I ever wrote and it remains a bare bones outline for my white papers today.
Now recently I found a book that expands this argumentative framework idea beyond my simple formula, and I think this book will be a very good resource for white paper writers.
The book is titled, "They Say / I Say" by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. It is written for academic writers who must author academic papers. One reviewer of this little book called it the "Strunk and White of academic writing."
What I found particularly relevant to white paper writers are the templates (much like my formula) listed in the back of the book. In fact, "They Say / I Say" grew out of a series of templates Cathy Berkenstein developed in a writing course she taught.
White papers, like legal briefs and scholarly papers and articles, must interact with opposing ideas in order to get readers on board with a different idea.
For example, here are some of Ms. Berkenstein's templates (note that some of these are written in the first person, which would need to be changed in a white paper):
"While it is true that ____, it does not follow that ____."
"By focusing on ____, X overlooks the problem of ____."
"Although I grant that _____, I still maintain that ____."
"X is right that ____, but she seems on more dubious ground when she claims that _____."
So the point here is that objective writing must acknowledge other points of view, and the strengths they present, before they can be challenged and replaced with your own positions.
Your competitors' products have strengths and your own are not perfect. Get these matters out into the open and lay them on the table right away. When you do this , you build trust with the person reading your white paper that cannot be easily shaken later on.
Too many white paper writers try to ignore their competitors' strengths and their own products' limitations, and hope the reader will not notice. Unfortunately, this tactic is a lot like the parable of the "Emperor's New Clothes." The truth is out there for all to see, even if no one wants to talk about it.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown

Labels: white papers
I was just visiting Marketo.com, which is a blog devoted to modern b2b marketing. I just discovered this site so I won't claim to have read a large number of their posts, but I can see right away that these folks are devoted to being a top shelf resource for marketers.
One particular article that caught my eye was Big List of B2B Marketing Blogs. Here they have compiled 138 blogs devoted to b2b marketing.
As a blogger, I am always looking for new ideas and new sources, so I can see now that a significant portion of my day will be devoted to reading through Marketo and the other blogs they list.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown
Labels: b2b marketing
My New eBook on Marketing With Case Studies
0 comments Posted by Charles Brown at Tuesday, July 01, 2008New eBook on How To Use Case Studies to Sell Your Products of Services
It's done and now available by clicking the link in the upper right corner of this page. I'm talking, of course, about my new ebook that shows how story-telling techniques can help you sell your products or services.
It is called, "The Plot Thickens: Why Case Studies Create New Customers."
Case studies are uniquely equipped to remove resistance and objections, because the reader gets to see and experience how your product (or service) helps to solve real-world problems.
I hope you enjoy my new book. I believe you will find it very helpful and profitable for your business.
COPYRIGHT © 2008, Charles Brown

Labels: case studies